About us
First name and Surname: VICTOR GIONCU - FOUNDING MEMBER +
Date and place of birth: Arad, Romania,
19 August 1933 – 30 March 2013+
Marital status: married, 1 child
Year: 1957 Graduated the Politehnical Institute from Timisoara, at the Faculty of Civil Constructions, Domain: Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Constructions
Year: 1971 Doctorate paper at „Politehnica” University of Timişoara, The Faculty of Architecture, Title obtained: doctor engineer, distinction: „ Cum Laudae”, Specialization: civil engineer
- Member of the Academy of Technical Sciences of Romani
- Structural designer at DSAPC Arad, with structural design made for many important buildings between 1958-1964
- Researcher in the field of structures made of bars with thin walls, stability of metalic and concrete structures (1964-1971)
- Lecturer at the Politehnical University Timisoara(1971-1985) Faculty of Architecture, teaching courses of “Mechanics and structural design” and “Structures in architecture”
- Head of National Institute of Research in Construction INCERC Timisoara (1985-1994)
- Professor at the Politehnica University Timisoara, Faculty of Architecture (1990-2003), teaching courses of “Structural design”, “Methods of restoration of historical buildings”, “Antiseismic architecture” and “The esthetic of structures”
- Since 2003 consultant professor at the Faculty of Architecture from Timisoara and honorific professor of the Tehnical University from Budapest ( since 2004)
Member of national and international professional associations:
- Member of 3 national professional associations.
- Member of 3 international professional associations.
Courses teached as invited professor at universities from abroad:
- England, Guildford, 1983,
- Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, 1990,
- Hungary, Budapest, 1993,
- Italy, Udine, 1996, 1999, 2003.
Conferences held abroad as “Invited lecturer”:
- Italy (Rome, Napoli, Cosenza, Milano, Florence, Salerno, Lecce), 1985, 1989, 1991, 1995, 1997, 2002;
- Brazil ,Rio de Janeiro, 1990;
- Germany , Berlin, Hamburg, Wuerzburg, 1992, 1997;
- Belgium, Liege, 1993;
- Slovakia, Bratislava, 1995;
- Hungary, Budapest, 1998, 2005
- Columbia, Cartahena, 2001;
- Portugal, Lisbon, 2002;
- France, Rennes, 2003
- Austria, Innsbruck, 2005
14 written books:
3 books written in English as author:
- Thin Reinforced Concrete Shells, John Wiley, London, 1979
- Ductility of Seismic Resistant Steel Structures, (co-author F.M. Mazzolani) Spon Press, London, 2002
- Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering for Seismic Design (co-author F.M. Mazzolani) Taylor & Francis, London 2010
5 books in English as publisher of an international manifestation:
- Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas,(co-author F.M. Mazzolani), E&FN Spon Press, London 1995
- Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures, (co-author, J. Rondal, D. Dubina), Imperial College Press, London, 1996;
- Seismic Resistant Steel Structures (co-author F.M. Mazzolani), Springer, Wien, 1999
- Phenomenological and mathematical Modelling of Structural Instabilities, (co-author M. Pignataro), Springer, Wien, 2005
- Coupled Instabilities in metal Structures (co-author J.Rondal, M. Pignataro), Publisher Universitary Horizon Publishing, Timisoara, 2006
6 books in Romanian:
- “Placi curbe subtiri de beton armat”, Academy Publishing, Bucharest, 1974;
- “Instabilitatea structurilor din placi curbe subtiri” (co-author M. Ivan), Academy Publishing, Bucharest, 1978 ( paper awarded by the Romanian Academy);
- “Bazele calcului structurilor la stabilitate”, (co-author M.Ivan), Facla Publishing, Timisoara, 1983;
- “Teoria comportarii critice si postcritice a structurilor elastice”, (co-author M. Ivan), Academy Publishing, Bucharest, 1994;
- “Influenta rigiditatii la torsiune la calculul spatial al structurilor din beton armat” (co-author M Prada), Oradea University Publishing, 2004;
- “Instabilitati si catastrofe in ingineria structurala”, Universitary Horizon Publishing, Timisoara, 2006 (awarded paper by AGIR).
8 special chapters as invited author in many books
5 manuals for students at the Faculty of Architecture
With the ocasion of his retirement in 2003, at the age of 70, were published 2 books dedicated to his activity as a professor, researcher and structural designer:
• Profile of a Civil Engineer: Victor Gioncu at Seventy (ed. M. Mosoarca), Universitary Horizon Publishing, Timisoara, 2003;
The number of papers published in conferences and international journals are over 250 in all the above mentioned domains of research.